
This picture reflects how I am feeling at the moment.

Monday, April 30, 2007

My writing

May be found at:

You may or may not find them interesting, but I am proud of them, and to me they are high quality pieces of work so that's all that matters. ^^

I like to write when I feel mad, or depressed about something, it gets my brain off of reality, and instead I put myself into a situation and write an essay, or short story about it.



Sunday, April 29, 2007

My mom..

There are so many things I do not know about her, so many things that I will Never know about. Today, well, actually a few minutes ago, my mom called me and we started talking, about many things, boys, love, but then she drifted off talking about High School and how she had done drugs before she had me. I was so suprised..Actually It isn't really too suprising due to the fact that she gets drunk every other night and chain smokes.But, thats another story that really is irrelavent to this post.

The truth is, is that I am a control freak. I feel the need to know EVERYTHING about EVERYONE that I know. The cold, hard truth is that I may not know everything about myself either. Why are there so many secrets? Why must they kept? Is it for our own society...Or is there even a reason? There doesn't need to be a reason for everything. Or does there? There is so many things I think about, that it seems like it would all go away if I was kept ignorant to all of this stuff. But that's what I hate. I hate being ignorant.

I need to learn who I am. I need to learn why I am here. Or there isn't a reason for living is there?

These are all things I need to think about.

My brain's gender

Your Brain is 80% Female, 20% Male

Your brain leans female

You think with your heart, not your head

Sweet and considerate, you are a giver

But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

Apparently my brain is a hermaphidite ^^ Woo! *Giggles* I Luff my brain *Huggles and kisses* "What would I do with out you?" I would surely die...Litterally. =^.^=


I took the pledge

To eat right, without distroying the environment, and also save hundreds of animals from being brutally totrured.

From now on I will not eat anything that contains animal products. For every week that I go without eating Dead animals, I will post one reason for why I need to go on.

Signed, William Griffiths