
This picture reflects how I am feeling at the moment.

Monday, August 27, 2007


I was sitting on my sidewalk yesterday and I looked down at the road. There where these really small ants scuttling around picking up pieces of sand and what not. Then I began thinking: What happens to ants when they die?

Of course, I know what will happen to them, they will completely shut down and biodegrate into the earth and become fertilizer for the ground so maybe things may grow in the area that a colony of ants die. But what is a christian's answer to an ant's death? Do they go to a heaven or a hell?

Ants can't sin, can they? Is there a bible written especially for bugs and insects and animals? Well, no because most of them most likely can't read, but it is a strange thought isn't it?.

Every single living thing on this universe was born an atheist. We had no religion, we had no thoughts on politics and blah blah blah. But our parents do, so they try to shape out opinions out of their opinions.

Luckily, I grew up in a family that wanted me to think for my self about the world, and my views.

All an ant probably thinks about is supporting his colony and itself. It doesn't trouble itself with thoughts of an imaginary deity, or other things. It lives for it's community.

I think that, that is our purpose in life. To support ourselves and our Humankind.