
This picture reflects how I am feeling at the moment.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Could this be a sign?

I looked up "Will Griffiths" On google images and this is one of the results. o.O Maybe it is a mistake? I think not. I have decided that the christian mafia is after me! I mean come on, look at me:

I am a clear target for jesus to strike me with his Gay-zapper!

ZAP! See? My demise is set, I have been convinced that Jesus is going to zap me with his gay zapper of doom!

Doesn't he have such a stalker look on his face? Or is it just me and my gay corrupted mind? Hm. I should stay away from his fellow mafia members now!

But it's okay because I can just call my fellow counterparts: The L.E.Z.Z.Y's! They seem to always come to my rescue! (Call 1-888-Macho-lady and they will be there within 5 minutes on their fighter planes! ^.^)

Lesbians are watching you! So watch out Jesus Mafia! I have my peeps backing me up yo!

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