
This picture reflects how I am feeling at the moment.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Before and after

Okay at first when I saw my new haircut, I cried hysterically because I thought I looked ugly, but I was messing with my gel and figured out a perfect way to make it look good, so now I am in love with it!



I am offically in complete love with my hair. I am in a rather good mood. (Better than earlyer anyway.) Oh yeah I also did my eyebrows and they look so awesome now. ^^

Yupyup, awesome I know. Woo! ^^ hehe anyhoo, this is the end of this post


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Blogged with Flock

Flock and Haircuts

I have just switched my Internet browser from Safari (Basically a Mac version of Internet Explorer) To a new browser called "Flock".

It basically as Apple would say it (I am obsessed, okay? Gosh.) It "Revolutionizes" Safari to a whole new level. On Safari, it was AWESOME about loading web pages. And I mean AWESOME. But there was one small problem. IT COMPLETELY SUCKED AT LOADING PICTURES!! And it just so happens that most of the websites I like to hang around "Myspace","Blogger","Livejournal", "" all relied on loading pictures rather quickly. So what would happen was the page itself would load, but I would have to wait a few minutes to actually get the pictures to load.

That's before I discovered "Flock".

Flock has so many features it is not even funny. It lets you view your photobucket account with out even having to go to the site itself and logging yourself in. All you do is click on a picture next to "Refresh" That says "Pics" And guess what? It brings up a little area at the top of the browser with all of your photobucket pictures. You can even be looking at a completely other web page WHILE the tab with your photobucket at the top!

It also has another great feature that I will love forever. It lets me post a blog with out having to go to my site and edit it. All I do is click "Post blog" In the 'file' tab thingy, and it brings me to a window, with a place to type my entry. It has an awesome spellcheck feature, and bullets etc.

On top of loads pages just as fast as Safari, AND it loads the Pictures with the page!

 If you haven't Swiched to Flock yet, then DO IT! It is SO worth it! I beleive that it is compatable with both Mac and PC so go ahead and try it! I <3 it!

Okay, anyway...

I am thinking about getting a haircut

Should I get one? I think so, but I am nervous. Why? Because everytime I get one I am extreamly unhappy with it. I don't know if it is the people who do my hair or what. But yeah.

  Also, my hair finally grew out, so I may (Assuming my dad will actually let me) just get it styled, that way I can have my dream hair, longish and soft. Recently I have been using this Anti-frizz stuff (By Dove) But it just seems to make it really poofy. Haha, maybe I should just leave it be huh? My hair is SO damaged because of all of the stuff I tryed on it. (Temporary hair-dye,Conditioners,Anti-frizz,Gel,Moose,hairspray, blowdrying, random assorted hair shampoo free trial things,Glitter [At my last drama preformance], Dandruff shampoo [I thought I had Dandruff, but I really didn't) Wow. That was a lot. My poor, poor hair. I wish I had never done that stuff to it, but Oh well, maybe I can fix it somehow. ^^

Anyhoo, I will be posting before and after pictures.

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Blogged with Flock

Thursday, May 10, 2007


9 more days left! WOO!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

School sucks

Why is it that we came into this world, without knowladge of what would happen, without the choice to back out, to realize that this life isn't ment for everyone. Here's how it must happen for society to accept you. You must be fit your whole life. You must be stupid. You must be very stupid. In fact, you have to have complete disregard for other's feelings, you must have complete hate in everything around you. If you think out of the box, you are weird. Of course, another aspect of life is that you are weird until you grow up.

Why is it like this? Why?

What a strange word...why...what could this obsenity mean?

Who would use such a word?
He must be strange
What a stupid kid!

again, I shall say the word:
Why does our world work like this? Is there a reason? Well, there must be right? Maybe not. Maybe the human race as we know it is so used to being fed answers that we don't know what to think about things we don't understand. No matter how hard any of us will try, yes even christians, we can't help but to think. Is there a reason for everything? I don't think there is. No matter how much logic (Which I love might I add) may be able to explain it.

There are two diffrent things that may be true. Actually, three:

  • The world may be explained perfectly as it has already shown.
  • Not everything may be explained by logic, in fact, many things we think are explained already may not be perfectly explained. We are living in a dillusion which may not be broken unless with deep thought.
  • God created everything, or rather, a god created what we live in. In other words, there is an other worldly strength.

Which ones can we elliminate? There is one I can eliminate right off the bat.

  • A god created everything.
Need I really say more? There has been so many things that can disprove this theory, yet the dillusional christians will not stand to think that their god may be a fake. Why? Because their religion sucks them back in, threatining to cast them into an eternal fire. Who wants to spend an eternal afterlife in fire? Nobody, I hope.

Lets call this the Cult cycle.

  1. Step one: Create a religion that bans everything you find immoral. To make sure that everyone will beleive in your cult, I would suggest letting a few freinds help you create a book which tells fictional stories about how life should be played out.
  2. Step two: Don't forget to include a horrible punishment which would strike fear in any man or womans soal. (haha soal...hahahahaha)
  3. Step three: Get people to "Convert" To your religion. These sessions are sometimes called "Missions" (Refer to Morman bible)
  4. Step four: The more the marrier, get people to join in on your "Religion" (little do they know that you are actually planing to strip people of their rights for your own reasons.)
  5. Step five: Charge money at church, claiming it will go to your god, and making your religion force you to be nice at all times.
  6. Step six: Open up churches of your religion with the money you collect from church.
See how easy it is to bend people to your will *Ahemchristiansgodhatesfagsnogaymarriageahem*

Wow, I got so off subject for a moment. Okay, so now that we elliminated one of the 3 options, that leaves up with.

  • Logic theory
  • Not everything may be explained by logic, in fact, many things we think are explained already may not be perfectly explained. We are living in a dillusion which may not be broken unless with deep thought.

I beleive both of these are true in a way. I shall let you think about it.

